Export Services

Viva can offer your business a wealth of worldwide Export options.

Please contact us with your specific requirements and we will be happy to help.

B2B Courier Express

The original wholesale to door business service that Viva started in the late 1980’s and is still available today.

B2B Courier Economy

Xpress can also offer you a full range of destinations, with slightly slower transit time and lighter pricing.

Postal Fully Tracked

Part of a new set of offerings, Viva Xpress can now offer even more cost conscious pricing on a fully tracked level.

Postal Partial Tracked

For items with lower tracking requirement, but which still need some emphasis on where goods are, this is an even lower priced option.

Postal Untracked

For goods with low intrinsic value, possibly mail shot approaches, the lowest pricing level service.

Bulk Injection at Destination

For the cheapest and fastest way to get the job done is to bulk inject into the local distribution network.